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Tell the President to Meet the Refugee Resettlement Goal in FY2024!

162 actions taken
38 needed to reach next goal
Every September, the President sets the goal for the number of refugees to be admitted into the United States for the upcoming fiscal year. Last year, President Biden set out to welcome 125,000 people, but as the year comes to a close, the United States is on track to admit less than half of that number. 

Every unutilized spot in the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program represents a person or family that is left in harm’s way. Today, more than 108 million people worldwide have been forcibly displaced, 40 percent of whom are children – a new record. More than 2.4 million people need urgent access to resettlement this year. 

Refugees are a vital part of the American social, cultural, and economic fabric. They invigorate our economies and bring their resilience, perseverance, and drive to our communities, making us stronger. President Biden can ensure we achieve our nation's FY 2024 resettlement goal by investing the resources necessary for the resettlement program to rebuild and prepare to welcome.

The United States can and must do better in the year ahead. 
Take Action TODAY -  Call on the President to Welcome #MoreIn2024!

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This campaign has concluded.